Brain Teaser


A driver drives 30 miles per hour to the railroad station each morning and just catch their train. One morning there was a lot of traffic and at the halfway point they averaged only 15 miles per hour. How fast must they drive for the rest of the way to catch their train?

Vote for your answer in the poll below and I'll reveal the answer Sunday evening!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

I know I'm always talking and posting about my Bailie on Facebook, but you know what? The phrase, "A man's best friend," is definitely true with her.  She would go everywhere I went if I let her. She is always there to cuddle with when I get home, good day or bad.  This pup constantly puts a smile on my face and makes me laugh on a daily basis.  Her personality and attitude couldn't be any better. Actually, at this moment in time she has managed to crawl  and snuggle her way in between me and the laptop....and is continuing to try and lick my face to get my attention (like she doesn't get enough of it already). This dog could play fetch for hours and never get bored. In fact, she will toss her toy on your lap or keyboard to get your attention. If that doesn't work, she starts to huff and puff at you. If the huffing and puffing doesn't work, she starts pawing at your hand and whatever you're trying to do. Then, her last resort is crawling on your lap no matter what you're doing.

Sometimes I wish this dog was human so I could have the best friend a person could ask for, but then I stop and think about it to realize that I do :)

Well the queen is begging to go to bed....mainly so she can have her nightly treat, so I'm off.  I'll leave you with an image that will for sure make you smile:

Hey, they say a dog is extremely happy with life when they lay on their back :)

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