Brain Teaser


A driver drives 30 miles per hour to the railroad station each morning and just catch their train. One morning there was a lot of traffic and at the halfway point they averaged only 15 miles per hour. How fast must they drive for the rest of the way to catch their train?

Vote for your answer in the poll below and I'll reveal the answer Sunday evening!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Life So Far Since Graduating From College

This blog is going to be about a variety of things.  It will probably be mostly about my days as a substitute teacher and an actual elementary teacher (when life opens that door), but it will also be about my every day life and the things I do.  One day you might see a post about education, then next it might be some kind of project I'm doing or some new dish I have cooked.  Really just a place I can share my days :) I might blog every day, then it could be a week or so before you hear from me again.  But I will try my hardest to at least post something once a week! So if you want to follow me in my days, feel free!

Well after completing my degree, I was signed up to start substituting in the school district I student taught in and a few others right away.  Substituting started off slow before Christmas break, but it has definitely picked up since! I have gotten the opportunity to sub in middle school math, middle social studies, high school language arts, high school math, high school physical education, literacy tutor in elementary, and in a kindergarten classroom.  Then this afternoon I get to sub in elementary physical education. So you could say I have gotten quite the spread of opportunities.  The thing is, I have absolutely enjoyed every single day of it!

For now, that's all I'm going to post. Got to get ready for this afternoon! :)


  1. Recalling way, way back and remembering a little girl who always tried to hide her smile, wouldn't eat anything white and never voiced an opinion...or spoke within earshot of adults, for that matter. I will enjoy following you Kayla.

    1. Times have changed! Lol. Thanks for following!

  2. Hey Kayla! Hope you are doing well, love your blog :)

    1. Hey Lindsey! I'm doing great! Hope you are too! And thanks for following :)
